Saturday, October 29, 2016

Delicious CI tour of BraSil Jan/Mar 2017

Dear friends,

I have an absolutely Irresistible offer - oferta irrecusável!

There so many incredible Contact Improv events happening in BraSil upcoming January - March 2017... get away from the winter and enjoy joining my summer of tropical dance!

I offer to take care of travel arrangements, be both a guide and an Interpreter, drive us around... - In sum be a good mama goose. Here's my suggested tour, realizing that not everyone can commit a whole mont, I suggest you explore the options and let me know what could work for you - I think we can make it happen! ; )
First, begging right after Earthdance's New Year's Jam - January 3rd to 10th we dance in Vale do Capão and then 11th to 18th Vale do Pati, some of the most beautiful natural places on Earth.

And during that time (January 12th to  21st) not too far from there:

Then after these two weeks down to São Paulo (January 19th to 30th), a whiff of the big city with, besides all the cultural diversity, an opportunity to study with fabulous teachers such as Nita Little!

And right after that, closing it with a golden key (as we say in Portuguese), 11 days in the beautiful island; Ilhabela (February 2nd to 12th). More great teachers, including Nita Little again. Also, amazing beaches - all the Brazilian glory of green jungle with green sea...

​Plus, recently I learned about these other awesome events, so I'm adding them to the list:

​Traditionally, this event happend in Argentina, gathering a great contingency of the Latin American CI community! This Self-Organized community is FUN! This time it'ss happen in the south of BraSil: February​
​ ​
JAMAZO Brasileiro

Gamboa has amazing beaches, so we can stay to enjoy the best CARNIVAL ever! February ​
​ ​
to March​ 05
​th - Gamboa (SC, BR): Carnaval Transformando -
CI: carnaval.silencio.meditação 

​And then
Morro Reuter (RS, BR): Lab de Contato Improvisação
Also, for your records, if you want more general information on CI in BraSil, here:
​  ​

I do hope you can choose a palatable assortment of nutritious boa vida. 💞 Please let me know if this sparks your curiosity at all, and we can talk more!

​And reme
ber, the sooner we book the more options and better prices we get - so contact me soon!

Look forward to dancing with you
B love

Béu Tornaghi
Intérprete PT = EN Interpreter
USA +13476748866
Rio +552140425626
EcoSomatic Research & Education
Educação & Pesquisa EcoSomática
​​​Inspires the Art & Spirit of Improvisation!
P: (413) 634-5678 (main office)
252 Prospect Street
Plainfield, MA 01070
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Antes de imprimir, pense na​ sua responsabilidade ​&​ compromisso c​/​ o Meio Ambiente.
Kindly consider supporting sustainable living!
Isabel Tornaghi